Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Happy Independence Day To all Indians

Hi friends first of all let me wish u all happy independence day.This is the glorious day which our great leaders dreamt of.On this occasion i want to give you my views about the india in present times.Many great leaders fought and sacrificed their lives to make india free from british and they dreamt of indians with freedom,but whats happening now a days to our freedom and independence?is our freedom making terrorists?now every part of india is facing a problm of terrorism either global terrorism or local terrorism like naxalism.Hindi speaking people were killed in assam,is this the freedom we fought for??Those people who went to protest against government for lands were shooted like birds in madikonda village of karimnagar district in andhrapradesh.Is it the freedom we got by sacrificing our lives?Every day we are watching in news channels and newpapers of road accidents,kidnappings,murders and rapings,brutality of police men even sometimes,is this the meaning of independence?Some people fighting for reservations causing a huge damage to government to enjoy the benefits of reservation & the bleady politicians trying to implement reservations just to encash theit votebank of each and every castes votes.Is this the independence we get from british?No body can say how many days the government will run smoothly,politicians are making the country worst day by day none of them is interested in developing India.Where are we in terms of technology and science.Even now we are dependent on foreign countries for particular technologies,Youth is moving to west and are creating huge massacre to country in terms of technology.We are very happy that dollar value is getting decreased and rupee value is getting increased,sensex is showing very good trend,GDP has increased by this much percent.No body is caring for how many are there who are not getting even a meal a day,who are lacking in primary education,proper medical care, how many are there who are not able to enjoy the benefits of technology,we are not able to decrease the people below the poverty line but we are projecting ourselves as developing country.Each and every sector needs care ,most of the parts of our country is not having adequate water supply,most of the people in cities and small towns are buying water for their daily use,if this situation continues then we have to import water from foreign countries by saying that ours if biggest democratic country,we second in population and we are not even having water resources to meet the daily needs.This is the time after 60 years of independence every citizen of India has to think and rethink of our present situation.Where are we ???Where will be we if every Indian works like Indian?The younger generations has to realise and work for the glory of our country otherwise the meaning of independence and efforts of our great leaders would be in vain.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

మదనపల్లె గురించి ఒక బ్లాగు ఉందంటే, చాలా సంతోషమేసింది. కాకపోతే తెలుగులో ఉండి ఉంటే ఇంకా చాలా బాగుండేది. తెలుగులో బ్లాగాలన్న ఆసక్తి ఉంటే దయచేసి తెలుపండి, నేను ఇతోధికంగా సహాయపడగలను.

- నవీన్ గార్ల

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